Digital Innovation Hubs Support Programme (PADIH)

The purpose of this call is to improve the competitiveness of Spanish SMEs, in any productive sector, by providing advisory and support services in the field of innovation for the implementation of disruptive digital technologies.


Date for submission of applications: 01/30/2023 to 09/30/2025 or end of budget credit.

  • A prior request for a proposal for services to an EDIH is required.

End of activities: 12/31/2025

Type of financial support

  • Each SME can apply for up to €30,000.

What is offered?

  • Initial advice for the implementation of technologies (up to €10,000).

  • Testing and experimentation, including technological proofs of concept (up to €20,000).

  • Training for the acquisition of basic knowledge for the implementation and subsequent management of the technology (up to €5,000).

  • Advice on finding funding for the implementation of the technology (up to €5,000)

  • Support for access to innovation networks and ecosystems (up to €5,000).

Eligible period: 12 months

Target audience

SMEs seeking to implement digital technologies


Link to the PADIH call


Opening of electronic application at the EOI, attaching:

  • Proposal for Services prepared by an EDIH. Mandatory.

  • NIF of the requesting entity. Mandatory.

  • Certificate of Census Status, issued by the State Agency for Tax Administration or equivalent census of each Provincial Tax Administration, which clearly indicates the census status of the requesting entity and reflects the economic activities actually carried out, as well as their seniority. Mandatory.

  • Certificate, in force, proving that the applicant is up to date with his/her tax obligations, issued, in the name of the applicant, by the State Agency for Tax Administration or its equivalent of each Provincial Tax Administration, for the purposes of obtaining a subsidy granted by the Public Administrations. Mandatory.

  • Accreditation of SME status. The following section details how to accredit it. Mandatory.

  • Accreditation of the representation of the representative who signs the subsidy application. It will be deemed accredited, without the need to provide additional documentation, if the signature has been carried out with a qualified electronic certificate of a legal entity representative or if it is registered in the Electronic Registry of Powers of Attorney (REA) and authorizes its consultation.

  • In the event that the applicant does not authorize the granting body to directly obtain this accreditation, an electronic copy in PDF format of the certificate, in force, proving that the applicant is up to date with his/her obligations with Social Security, issued, in the name of the applicant, by the General Treasury of Social Security, for the purposes of obtaining a subsidy granted by the Public Administrations.

  • Any other documentation that the applicant considers necessary and necessary to prove compliance with the requirements or that the assessment criteria can be adequately assessed. The documents and an explanatory note of the documentation included and the reason will be included.


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What is Aragón EDIH?

Aragon EDIH is an Aragonese initiative launched by the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA), together with the Aragonese Institute for Development (IAF) and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) with the aim of promoting the digitalization of Aragonese SMEs.

In June 2022, Aragon EDIH was selected as one of the 12 Spanish Digital Innovation Centers of reference in Europe and received the seal of excellence from the European Union.

It is specialized in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence focused on cognitive systems and high-performance computing (HPC), applied in areas of knowledge such as intelligent manufacturing processes, robotics and logistics.

Currently, and with the new entity of AEDIH, business organisations from Aragon (CEOE and CEPYME Aragón), the regional ICT cluster (TECNARA) and the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Aragon (Cámaras Aragón) join the hub as partners, contributing as connecting arms with the productive fabric and the companies that comprise it.