Module 2: Applications and tools for communication


Area 2 of the DigComp program to be taught by AEDIH Academy, “Communication and collaboration”, seeks to strengthen the capabilities of small and medium-sized companies in communication and collaboration through digital technologies, participating in society through services public and private digital and participatory citizenship. Manage your own digital presence, identity, and reputation.


1. Interacting through digital technologies (4h). May 7

Interact through a varied range of digital technologies and understand which digital communication channels are most appropriate in specific contexts.
  • Know how to use a wide range of functionalities in a video conference.
  • Communicate asynchronously effectively, through digital tools.
  • Know how to use digital tools as a means of informal communication and to socialize.
  • Know how to identify signs that indicate whether I am communicating with a person or an AI-based conversational agent.
  • Interact and provide feedback to the AI ​​system to influence its next recommendations.
  • Take into account the need to balance asynchronous and synchronous communication activities.

2. Sharing throught digital technologies (4h). May 9

Share data, information and digital content with others through the most appropriate technologies and digital services, correctly using the rules for citing and referencing.
  • Know how to share digital content through various devices.
  • Know how to display and share information from my own device to support a message that is being delivered in a synchronous, online session.
  • Know how to restrict access to the digital content I share.
  • Know how to curate content on sharing platforms and therefore, give added value to that shared content, for myself and for others.
  • Know how to recognize the original source and authors of shared content.
  • Know how to flag and/or report disinformation and false or erroneous news to entities whose purpose is to verify the veracity of the information, as well as to social media platforms, so that they do not continue to spread.

3. Get involved in digital citizenship (4h). May 14

Participate in society through the use of public and private digital services, seek opportunities for self-training and for participatory citizenship through the most appropriate digital technologies.
  • Know how to request official digital certificates with which I can digitally identify myself in a completely secure way.
  • Know how to track central, regional and local government spending through digital environments.
  • Know how to identify areas where AI can be beneficial for different aspects of daily life.
  • Know how to engage with other people through digital environments, in the sustainable development of society, being aware of the potential of technology for both inclusion and participation, as well as exclusion.

4. Collaborate through digital technologies (4h). May 16

Use digital technologies and tools to carry out collaborative processes, as well as for the ca-construction and ca-creation of data, resources and knowledge.
  • Know how to use digital tools in a collaborative context to plan and share tasks, activities and responsibilities with a group of friends, colleagues or family.
  • Know how to use digital tools to facilitate and improve collaborative processes, such as shared task managers or horizontal brainstorming.
  • Know how to collaborate in a digital space of shared publications.
  • Know how to use digital tools and technologies to telework, to generate ideas collaboratively or to ca-create digital content.
  • Know how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of digital applications when it comes to collaborating with others effectively.

5. Netiquette (4h). May 21

Know and manage the rules of behavior when interacting in digital environments, adapting communication strategies to each specific target audience and being aware of cultural and generational diversity.
  • Know how to stop receiving annoying or unwanted messages or emails.
  • Know how to manage my own feelings when I talk to others online.
  • Know how to recognize hostile or derogatory messages or activities in digital environments that attack specific people or groups of people.
  • Know how to manage interactions and conversations in various sociocultural contexts and in specific situations in my own field.

6. Manage digital indentity (4h). May 23

Create and manage one or multiple digital identities, so that one is able to protect one's own reputation and properly process the data that one produces in various services, tools and environments.

Visits to companies

At Aragón EDIH we firmly believe in the importance of connecting training with the real world, and that is why the program includes a visit to a leading company in the field related to the course. Participants will have the opportunity to visit the E-COMPUTER company located in the Walqa Technology Park.

Who is this course aimed at?

It is aimed at professionals who are interested in knowing the importance of adequate communication and collaboration with digital technologies and how to get involved in digital citizenship.






Isaac Bolea

Digital skills

  • Communication and collaboration:
  • Interact through digital technologies
  • Sharing through digital technologies
  • Get involved in digital citizenship
  • Collaborate through digital technologies
  • Netiquette
  • Manage digital identity

Time, date and place

  • Total duration: 24h
  • Dates: May 7, 9, 14, 16, 21 and 23, 2024
  • Hours: 4 to 8 p.m.
  • Location: Walqa. Ctra. Zaragoza-Huesca Km.566 Cuarte (Huesca)
  • Maximum number of participants: 15 people in person, 15 people online

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