Community Days: DigitalizAragón: Sector Construcción – Green and digital transition in Manufacturing

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This one-day online event is to promote the development and competitiveness of this industry with the dissemination of knowledge between companies through the presentation of their pioneering projects based on digital transformation and industry 4.0. As part of the DIH-World Community Days and conducted by the Aragón Digital Innovation Hub.
  • March, 15th
  • 9:00 – 10:30h (GMT+1)
  • Online, broadcasting from Zaragoza (Spain)
Agenda: Opening Speaker: Beatriz López. IBERMAC General Manager. Presenter. Welcome Speaker: Juan Carlos Bandrés, president of Confederación de Empresarios de la Construcción de Aragón (CEAC). Aragón DIH presentation Speaker: Pilar Molinero, managing director of Instituto Aragonés de Fomento (IAF) Industry 4.0 company: Examples of success Speakers:
  • Pablo Ruiz de Temiño, director of INOBARE
  • Rubén Yagüe Lasheras, manager for processes and projects of the ICT Management and Innovation area of Grupo LOBE
  • Santiago Torres. Director of production area of COPHA (Grupo Mariano López Navarro). – DASHEP Experiment. Selected in the first call for the European DIH World project.
Closing statement and conclussions Networking Click here to register
Esta jornada online tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo y la competitividad de este sector industrial, gracias a la experiencia de las empresas a través de la presentación de sus proyectos pioneros en transformación digital e industria 4.0.
  • Martes, 15 de marzo.
  • 9:00 – 10:30h (GMT+1)
  • Online, desde Zaragoza (Spain)
Agenda: Apertura Beatriz López, Directora de Ibermac. Modera. Bienvenida: Juan Carlos Bandrés, presidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de la Construcción de Aragón (CEAC). Presentación de Aragón DIH: Pilar Molinero, directora-gerente del Instituto Aragonés de Fomento (IAF). Casos empresariales de éxito
  • Pablo Ruiz de Temiño. Director General en INOBARE.
  • Rubén Yagüe Lasheras. Responsable de Procesos y Proyectos del área de Gestión e Innovación TIC de Grupo LOBE.
  • Santiago Torres. Director de plantas de producción en COPHA (Grupo Mariano López Navarro). Esperimento DASHEP, seleccionado en la primera convocatoria europea del proyecto DIH World.
Clausura y conclusiones. Networking. Pincha aquí y regístrate.


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What is Aragón EDIH?

Aragon EDIH is an Aragonese initiative launched by the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA), together with the Aragonese Institute for Development (IAF) and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) with the aim of promoting the digitalization of Aragonese SMEs.

In June 2022, Aragon EDIH was selected as one of the 12 Spanish Digital Innovation Centers of reference in Europe and received the seal of excellence from the European Union.

It is specialized in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence focused on cognitive systems and high-performance computing (HPC), applied in areas of knowledge such as intelligent manufacturing processes, robotics and logistics.

Currently, and with the new entity of AEDIH, business organisations from Aragon (CEOE and CEPYME Aragón), the regional ICT cluster (TECNARA) and the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Aragon (Cámaras Aragón) join the hub as partners, contributing as connecting arms with the productive fabric and the companies that comprise it.