Aid from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation with the aim of subsidizing the digital transition of companies with less than 50 employees, by financing the implementation of commercial solutions for marketing.
Date for submitting applications: Open until the end of the budget.
Type of financial support
According to company size:
1st segment (10 to 49 employees) €12,000
2nd segment (3 to 9 employees) €6,000
3rd segment (0 to 3 employees) €2,000
Financing lines:
Website and basic presence on the Internet
Electronic commerce
Social media management
Customer management
Business intelligence and analytics
Advanced presence on the Internet
Virtual office services and tools
Process management
Electronic invoice
Secure communications
Be a small business, independent micro-business.
Meet the financial and effective limits that define the categories of companies.
Be registered and have the minimum seniority established by the call for applications.
Not be considered a company in crisis.
Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
Not be subject to a pending recovery order from the European Commission that has declared aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
Not incur in any of the prohibitions provided for in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
Not exceed the limit of minimis aid (small amounts).
Target audience
Companies that want to go digital.
Application links
Application and management for SMEs between 3 and 10 employees
Application and management for Microenterprises between 0 and 3 employees
Acelera Pyme offices in Aragon:
In Aragon there are four Acelera Pyme offices that can provide information and resolve queries regarding the application for Kit Digital grants. In Zaragoza there is the Cámara de Zaragoza and Cluster IDiA, while in the province of Huesca there is the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the province of Huesca and in Teruel, the Cámara de Teruel.